privkit.utils package#

privkit.utils.constants module#

Useful constants

privkit.utils.dev_utils module#


privkit.utils.discrete_utils module#

Discrete utility classes and methods.

class privkit.utils.discrete_utils.BoundingBox(min_latitude: float, max_latitude: float, min_longitude: float, max_longitude: float)#

Bases: object


Returns the latitudes and longitudes which bound the bounding box. :return: min and max latitude and longitude which bound the bounding box


Returns the bounding corners which bound the bounding box. :return: lower left and upper right corners which bound the bounding box.

class privkit.utils.discrete_utils.Cell(lower_latitude: float, upper_latitude: float, leftmost_longitude: float, rightmost_longitude: float, cell_id: int)#

Bases: object


Computes the dimensions of the cell. :return: width and height of the cell

class privkit.utils.discrete_utils.GridMap(min_lat: float, max_lat: float, min_lon: float, max_lon: float, spacing: float)#

Bases: object

export_grid(output_file_path: str)#

Exports the grid to the file specified by :output_file_path: in CSV format, where each line is the ordered centers of the cells as: <latitude>, <longitude>


output_file_path – path where grip will be exported to

get_cartesian_cell(i: int, j: int)#

Computes the center of the respective grid map cell in cartesian coordinates.

  • i (int) – row position of the cell

  • j (int) – column position of the cell


center of the cell in cartesian coordinates


Builds a matrix of the same size as the grid where each element represents the center of the respective grid map cell in cartesian coordinates.


matrix of the centers of the grid map in cartesian coordinate system

get_cell_with_point_within(latitude: float, longitude: float)#

Computes the cell indexes where the given point is contained.

  • latitude (float) – location latitude

  • longitude (float) – location longitude


indexes of the cell where point is contained


Computes min and max latitude and longitude which bound the grid. :return: list of min and max latitude and longitude of the grid

get_locationstamp(latitude: float, longitude: float)#

Given a point finds in which cell it is contained.

  • latitude – point’s latitude

  • longitude – point’s longitude


cell ID where point is contained


Computes the number of vertical and horizontal cells. :return: list containing the number of vertical and horizontal cells

point_within_grid(latitude: float, longitude: float)#

Given a point verifies if it is within the grid.

  • latitude (float) – point’s latitude

  • longitude (float) – point’s longitude


True if the point is within the grid, False otherwise

privkit.utils.face_utils module#

Facial utility methods.


Temporarily redirects standard output to suppress printing


Restores standard output, allowing printing to the console

privkit.utils.face_utils.folder_to_img(folder: str, store_dir: str, xlim: tuple, ylim: tuple, axis_face: str, point_size: int = 25)#

Creates a new folder and stores ‘png’ images resulting from an orthographic projection of point cloud files within a folder

  • folder (str) – the folder path to search for files

  • xlim (tuple) – the interval of the Y axis of the scatter plot

  • ylim (tuple) – the interval of the X axis of the scatter plot

  • store_dir (str) – the path where the projected images should be stored

  • axis_face (str) – the axis where the face is pointing (‘x’, ‘y’ or ‘z’)

  • point_size (int) – the size of each point on the scatter plot

privkit.utils.face_utils.list_files(directory: str, extension: tuple)#

Retrieve a list of file paths with a specified extension within a given directory

  • directory (str) – The directory to search for files

  • extension (tuple) – The file extension(s) to filter the results (e.g., (‘.png’, ‘.jpg’))


A list containing the absolute paths of files matching the specified extension(s)

privkit.utils.face_utils.list_folders(directory: str)#

Retrieve a list of folder paths within a given directory


directory (str) – The directory to search for folders


A list containing the absolute paths of folders

privkit.utils.face_utils.pcd_to_img(pcd: open3d.cpu.pybind.geometry.PointCloud, xlim: tuple, ylim: tuple, store_path: str, axis_face: str, point_size: float = 25)#

Stores a ‘png’ image resulting from an orthographic projection of a point cloud

  • pcd (PointCloud) – the point cloud to be projected

  • xlim (tuple) – the interval of the Y axis of the scatter plot

  • ylim (tuple) – the interval of the X axis of the scatter plot

  • store_path (str) – the path where the image should be stored

  • axis_face (str) – the axis where the face is pointing (‘x’, ‘y’ or ‘z’)

  • point_size (int) – the size of each point on the scatter plot

privkit.utils.geo_utils module#

Geospatial utility methods.

privkit.utils.geo_utils.EARTH_RADIUS = 6371009#

Earth radius a constant in meters

privkit.utils.geo_utils.cartesian2geodetic(x: float, y: float, z: float) [<class 'float'>, <class 'float'>]#

Converts cartesian to geodetic coordinates

  • x (float) – cartesian coordinate

  • y (float) – cartesian coordinate

  • z (float) – cartesian coordinate


geodetic coordinates latitude and longitude

privkit.utils.geo_utils.compute_bearing(lat1: float, lon1: float, lat2: float, lon2: float) float#

Computes the bearing between two points’ coordinates. Expects coordinates in decimal degrees.

  • lat1 (float) – first point’s latitude coordinate

  • lon1 (float) – first point’s longitude coordinate

  • lat2 (float) – second point’s latitude coordinate

  • lon2 (float) – second point’s longitude coordinate


bearing from point (lat1, lon1) to (lat2, lon2) in degrees

Return type:


privkit.utils.geo_utils.compute_highway_speeds_default(G: networkx.MultiDiGraph) dict#

Computes highway types and typical speeds from a given graph G.


G (networkx.MultiDiGraph) – road network represented as a directed graph


dictionary where keys are the highway types and the values are their typical speeds

privkit.utils.geo_utils.compute_trace_distance(latitudes: List, longitudes: List)#

Computes trace distance in meters given the list of latitudes and longitudes.

  • latitudes (List) – list of latitudes

  • longitudes (List) – list of longitudes


trace distance in meters

privkit.utils.geo_utils.euclidean_distance(x1: float, y1: float, x2: float, y2: float) float#

Computes the Euclidean distance between two points. For accurate results, use projected coordinates rather than decimal degrees.

  • x1 (float) – first point’s x coordinate

  • y1 (float) – first point’s y coordinate

  • x2 (float) – second point’s x coordinate

  • y2 (float) – second point’s y coordinate


distance from point (x1, y1) to (x2, y2) in coordinate’s units

Return type:


privkit.utils.geo_utils.geodetic2cartesian(latitude: float, longitude: float, earth_radius: float = 6371009) [<class 'float'>, <class 'float'>, <class 'float'>]#

Converts geodetic coordinates to cartesian

  • latitude (float) – geodetic coordinate

  • longitude (float) – geodetic coordinate

  • earth_radius (float) – radius of earth in units in which distance will be returned (default meters)


cartesian coordinates x, y, and z

privkit.utils.geo_utils.get_dijkstra_length_path(G: networkx.MultiDiGraph, start_node: int, end_node: int, weight: str = 'length') [<class 'float'>, typing.List]#

Computes the dijkstra path and respective length

  • G (networkx.MultiDiGraph) – road network represented as a directed graph

  • start_node (int) – id of the node where the path should start

  • end_node (int) – id of the node where the path should end

  • weight (str) – weight to compute the dijkstra path. The default is ‘length’.


path from the start node to the end node and respective length, computed according to the weight parameter

privkit.utils.geo_utils.great_circle_distance(lat1: float, lon1: float, lat2: float, lon2: float, earth_radius: float = 6371009) float#

Computes the great-circle distance between two points’ coordinates. Expects coordinates in decimal degrees.

  • lat1 (float) – first point’s latitude coordinate

  • lon1 (float) – first point’s longitude coordinate

  • lat2 (float) – second point’s latitude coordinate

  • lon2 (float) – second point’s longitude coordinate

  • earth_radius (float) – radius of earth in units in which distance will be returned (default meters)


distance from point (lat1, lon1) to (lat2, lon2) in units of earth_radius (default meters)

Return type:


privkit.utils.geo_utils.project2crs(latitude: float, longitude: float, crs: int) [<class 'float'>, <class 'float'>]#

Projects a point (latitude, longitude) to a different CRS.

  • latitude (float) – latitude to be projected

  • longitude (float) – longitude to be projected

  • crs (int or str or dict or pyproj.CRS) – the new coordinate reference system (CRS)


projected point (x, y) in the new CRS

privkit.utils.io_utils module#

IO utility methods.

privkit.utils.io_utils.read_dataframe(filepath_or_buffer: str, unique: bool = True, extension: str | None = None, **kwargs)#

Reads data to a pandas dataframe object.

  • filepath_or_buffer (str or Path or object) – either a path to a file (a str or Path) or any object that can be read from pandas read() methods.

  • unique (bool) – if True, this method is the unique method to read dataframe. If False, data can be read with other method. The default value is True.

  • extension (str) – specify the file extension. Default value is None.

  • kwargs – the keyword arguments are used for specifying arguments according to the Pandas read methods.


pandas dataframe object or the parameter filepath_or_buffer.

privkit.utils.io_utils.write_dataframe(data2save: pandas.DataFrame, filepath: str, filename: str, extension: str = 'pkl')#

Writes a dataframe to a file.

  • data2save (pd.DataFrame) – dataframe to save.

  • filepath (str) – path where data should be saved.

  • filename (str) – name of the file to be saved.

  • extension (str) – extension of the format of how the file should be saved. The default value is ‘pkl’.

privkit.utils.plot_utils module#

Plot utils

This module contains methods that are useful to plot data

privkit.utils.plot_utils.boxplot(values: Any, labels: Any | None = None, title: str = '', show: bool = False, **kwargs)#

This method produces a boxplot from the given values and labels

  • values (Any) – values to plot

  • labels (Any) – labels of the values to plot

  • title (str) – title of the plot

  • show (bool) – if True, show the plot.

  • kwargs – the keyword arguments are used for specifying arguments according to the plot read methods.

privkit.utils.plot_utils.pie_plot(values: Any, labels: Any, title: str = '', show: bool = False, **kwargs)#

This method produces a pieplot from the given values and labels

  • values (Any) – values to plot

  • labels (Any) – labels of the values to plot

  • title (str) – title of the plot

  • show (bool) – if True, show the plot.

  • kwargs – the keyword arguments are used for specifying arguments according to the plot read methods.

privkit.utils.plot_utils.plot_errorbar(x: Any, y: Any, confidence_level: float = 0.95, title: str = '', x_label: str = '', y_label: str = '', show: bool = False, **kwargs)#

This method plots an error bar according to x values and y values.

  • x (Any) – values to plot in the x axis

  • confidence_level (float) – level of confidence for the error bar

  • y (Any) – values to plot in the y axis

  • title (str) – title of the plot

  • x_label (str) – label of the x axis

  • y_label (str) – label of the y axis

  • show (bool) – if True, show the plot.

  • kwargs – the keyword arguments are used for specifying arguments according to the plot read methods.

privkit.utils.plot_utils.plot_information(title: str = '', x_label: str = '', y_label: str = '', show: bool = False)#

This method adds title and axis labels to plots

  • title (str) – title of the plot

  • x_label (str) – label of the x axis

  • y_label (str) – label of the y axis

  • show (bool) – if True, show the plot.

privkit.utils.plot_utils.plot_xy_data(x: Any, y: Any, title: str = '', x_label: str = '', y_label: str = '', show: bool = False, **kwargs)#

This method plots x values and y values.

  • x (Any) – values to plot in the x axis

  • y (Any) – values to plot in the y axis

  • title (str) – title of the plot

  • x_label (str) – label of the x axis

  • y_label (str) – label of the y axis

  • show (bool) – if True, show the plot.

  • kwargs – the keyword arguments are used for specifying arguments according to the plot read methods.

privkit.utils.training_utils module#

class privkit.utils.training_utils.BuildKnowledge#

Bases: object

get_mobility_profile(location_data: LocationData, chosen_profile: str)#

Computes the mobility profile using the chosen data

  • location_data (privkit.LocationData) – location data

  • chosen_profile (str) – type of mobility profile to be computed, with the training or the testing data


mobility profile of type chosen_profile

norm_location_histogram(data: [<class 'int'>])#

Computes the histogram for mobility profile


data ([int]) – location stamps from train or test data to generate mobility profile


mobility profile

class privkit.utils.training_utils.Velocities(user_velocity_max: int = 200, report_velocity_max: int = 200)#

Bases: object

get_velocities_pd(data: pandas.DataFrame)#

Builds the velocities distributions


data (pandas.DataFrame) – data used to calculate the velocities


user velocity pd and report velocity pd

kernel_distribution(velocities: [<class 'float'>], type_of_data: str)#

Computes the Kernel Density Distribution of the user or report velocities

  • velocities ([float]) – user or report velocities

  • type_of_data (str) – indicates if it is being considered the user or report velocities


velocity pd

static process_user_data(user_data: pandas.DataFrame)#

Computes the time interval and distance between the user data


user_data (pandas.DataFrame) – data from a certain user


the time gap and the distance between every two consecutive report