privkit.utils package#
privkit.utils.constants module#
Useful constants
privkit.utils.dev_utils module#
- privkit.utils.dev_utils.error(message)#
- privkit.utils.dev_utils.log(message)#
- privkit.utils.dev_utils.warn(message)#
privkit.utils.discrete_utils module#
Discrete utility classes and methods.
- class privkit.utils.discrete_utils.BoundingBox(min_latitude: float, max_latitude: float, min_longitude: float, max_longitude: float)#
- get_bounding_box_array()#
Returns the latitudes and longitudes which bound the bounding box. :return: min and max latitude and longitude which bound the bounding box
- get_bounding_box_corners()#
Returns the bounding corners which bound the bounding box. :return: lower left and upper right corners which bound the bounding box.
- class privkit.utils.discrete_utils.Cell(lower_latitude: float, upper_latitude: float, leftmost_longitude: float, rightmost_longitude: float, cell_id: int)#
- get_width_height()#
Computes the dimensions of the cell. :return: width and height of the cell
- class privkit.utils.discrete_utils.GridMap(min_lat: float, max_lat: float, min_lon: float, max_lon: float, spacing: float)#
- export_grid(output_file_path: str)#
Exports the grid to the file specified by :output_file_path: in CSV format, where each line is the ordered centers of the cells as: <latitude>, <longitude>
- Parameters:
output_file_path – path where grip will be exported to
- get_cartesian_cell(i: int, j: int)#
Computes the center of the respective grid map cell in cartesian coordinates.
- Parameters:
i (int) – row position of the cell
j (int) – column position of the cell
- Returns:
center of the cell in cartesian coordinates
- get_cartesian_cells()#
Builds a matrix of the same size as the grid where each element represents the center of the respective grid map cell in cartesian coordinates.
- Returns:
matrix of the centers of the grid map in cartesian coordinate system
- get_cell_with_point_within(latitude: float, longitude: float)#
Computes the cell indexes where the given point is contained.
- Parameters:
latitude (float) – location latitude
longitude (float) – location longitude
- Returns:
indexes of the cell where point is contained
- get_corners()#
Computes min and max latitude and longitude which bound the grid. :return: list of min and max latitude and longitude of the grid
- get_locationstamp(latitude: float, longitude: float)#
Given a point finds in which cell it is contained.
- Parameters:
latitude – point’s latitude
longitude – point’s longitude
- Returns:
cell ID where point is contained
- get_size()#
Computes the number of vertical and horizontal cells. :return: list containing the number of vertical and horizontal cells
- point_within_grid(latitude: float, longitude: float)#
Given a point verifies if it is within the grid.
- Parameters:
latitude (float) – point’s latitude
longitude (float) – point’s longitude
- Returns:
True if the point is within the grid, False otherwise
privkit.utils.face_utils module#
Facial utility methods.
- privkit.utils.face_utils.block_print()#
Temporarily redirects standard output to suppress printing
- privkit.utils.face_utils.enable_print()#
Restores standard output, allowing printing to the console
- privkit.utils.face_utils.folder_to_img(folder: str, store_dir: str, xlim: tuple, ylim: tuple, axis_face: str, point_size: int = 25)#
Creates a new folder and stores ‘png’ images resulting from an orthographic projection of point cloud files within a folder
- Parameters:
folder (str) – the folder path to search for files
xlim (tuple) – the interval of the Y axis of the scatter plot
ylim (tuple) – the interval of the X axis of the scatter plot
store_dir (str) – the path where the projected images should be stored
axis_face (str) – the axis where the face is pointing (‘x’, ‘y’ or ‘z’)
point_size (int) – the size of each point on the scatter plot
- privkit.utils.face_utils.list_files(directory: str, extension: tuple)#
Retrieve a list of file paths with a specified extension within a given directory
- Parameters:
directory (str) – The directory to search for files
extension (tuple) – The file extension(s) to filter the results (e.g., (‘.png’, ‘.jpg’))
- Returns:
A list containing the absolute paths of files matching the specified extension(s)
- privkit.utils.face_utils.list_folders(directory: str)#
Retrieve a list of folder paths within a given directory
- Parameters:
directory (str) – The directory to search for folders
- Returns:
A list containing the absolute paths of folders
- privkit.utils.face_utils.pcd_to_img(pcd: open3d.cpu.pybind.geometry.PointCloud, xlim: tuple, ylim: tuple, store_path: str, axis_face: str, point_size: float = 25)#
Stores a ‘png’ image resulting from an orthographic projection of a point cloud
- Parameters:
pcd (PointCloud) – the point cloud to be projected
xlim (tuple) – the interval of the Y axis of the scatter plot
ylim (tuple) – the interval of the X axis of the scatter plot
store_path (str) – the path where the image should be stored
axis_face (str) – the axis where the face is pointing (‘x’, ‘y’ or ‘z’)
point_size (int) – the size of each point on the scatter plot
privkit.utils.geo_utils module#
Geospatial utility methods.
- privkit.utils.geo_utils.EARTH_RADIUS = 6371009#
Earth radius a constant in meters
- privkit.utils.geo_utils.cartesian2geodetic(x: float, y: float, z: float) [<class 'float'>, <class 'float'>] #
Converts cartesian to geodetic coordinates
- Parameters:
x (float) – cartesian coordinate
y (float) – cartesian coordinate
z (float) – cartesian coordinate
- Returns:
geodetic coordinates latitude and longitude
- privkit.utils.geo_utils.compute_bearing(lat1: float, lon1: float, lat2: float, lon2: float) float #
Computes the bearing between two points’ coordinates. Expects coordinates in decimal degrees.
- Parameters:
lat1 (float) – first point’s latitude coordinate
lon1 (float) – first point’s longitude coordinate
lat2 (float) – second point’s latitude coordinate
lon2 (float) – second point’s longitude coordinate
- Returns:
bearing from point (lat1, lon1) to (lat2, lon2) in degrees
- Return type:
- privkit.utils.geo_utils.compute_highway_speeds_default(G: networkx.MultiDiGraph) dict #
Computes highway types and typical speeds from a given graph G.
- Parameters:
G (networkx.MultiDiGraph) – road network represented as a directed graph
- Returns:
dictionary where keys are the highway types and the values are their typical speeds
- privkit.utils.geo_utils.compute_trace_distance(latitudes: List, longitudes: List)#
Computes trace distance in meters given the list of latitudes and longitudes.
- Parameters:
latitudes (List) – list of latitudes
longitudes (List) – list of longitudes
- Returns:
trace distance in meters
- privkit.utils.geo_utils.euclidean_distance(x1: float, y1: float, x2: float, y2: float) float #
Computes the Euclidean distance between two points. For accurate results, use projected coordinates rather than decimal degrees.
- Parameters:
x1 (float) – first point’s x coordinate
y1 (float) – first point’s y coordinate
x2 (float) – second point’s x coordinate
y2 (float) – second point’s y coordinate
- Returns:
distance from point (x1, y1) to (x2, y2) in coordinate’s units
- Return type:
- privkit.utils.geo_utils.geodetic2cartesian(latitude: float, longitude: float, earth_radius: float = 6371009) [<class 'float'>, <class 'float'>, <class 'float'>] #
Converts geodetic coordinates to cartesian
- Parameters:
latitude (float) – geodetic coordinate
longitude (float) – geodetic coordinate
earth_radius (float) – radius of earth in units in which distance will be returned (default meters)
- Returns:
cartesian coordinates x, y, and z
- privkit.utils.geo_utils.get_dijkstra_length_path(G: networkx.MultiDiGraph, start_node: int, end_node: int, weight: str = 'length') [<class 'float'>, typing.List] #
Computes the dijkstra path and respective length
- Parameters:
G (networkx.MultiDiGraph) – road network represented as a directed graph
start_node (int) – id of the node where the path should start
end_node (int) – id of the node where the path should end
weight (str) – weight to compute the dijkstra path. The default is ‘length’.
- Returns:
path from the start node to the end node and respective length, computed according to the weight parameter
- privkit.utils.geo_utils.great_circle_distance(lat1: float, lon1: float, lat2: float, lon2: float, earth_radius: float = 6371009) float #
Computes the great-circle distance between two points’ coordinates. Expects coordinates in decimal degrees.
- Parameters:
lat1 (float) – first point’s latitude coordinate
lon1 (float) – first point’s longitude coordinate
lat2 (float) – second point’s latitude coordinate
lon2 (float) – second point’s longitude coordinate
earth_radius (float) – radius of earth in units in which distance will be returned (default meters)
- Returns:
distance from point (lat1, lon1) to (lat2, lon2) in units of earth_radius (default meters)
- Return type:
- privkit.utils.geo_utils.project2crs(latitude: float, longitude: float, crs: int) [<class 'float'>, <class 'float'>] #
Projects a point (latitude, longitude) to a different CRS.
- Parameters:
latitude (float) – latitude to be projected
longitude (float) – longitude to be projected
crs (int or str or dict or pyproj.CRS) – the new coordinate reference system (CRS)
- Returns:
projected point (x, y) in the new CRS
privkit.utils.io_utils module#
IO utility methods.
- privkit.utils.io_utils.read_dataframe(filepath_or_buffer: str, unique: bool = True, extension: str | None = None, **kwargs)#
Reads data to a pandas dataframe object.
- Parameters:
filepath_or_buffer (str or Path or object) – either a path to a file (a str or Path) or any object that can be read from pandas read() methods.
unique (bool) – if True, this method is the unique method to read dataframe. If False, data can be read with other method. The default value is True.
extension (str) – specify the file extension. Default value is None.
kwargs – the keyword arguments are used for specifying arguments according to the Pandas read methods.
- Returns:
pandas dataframe object or the parameter filepath_or_buffer.
- privkit.utils.io_utils.write_dataframe(data2save: pandas.DataFrame, filepath: str, filename: str, extension: str = 'pkl')#
Writes a dataframe to a file.
- Parameters:
data2save (pd.DataFrame) – dataframe to save.
filepath (str) – path where data should be saved.
filename (str) – name of the file to be saved.
extension (str) – extension of the format of how the file should be saved. The default value is ‘pkl’.
privkit.utils.plot_utils module#
Plot utils
This module contains methods that are useful to plot data
- privkit.utils.plot_utils.boxplot(values: Any, labels: Any | None = None, title: str = '', show: bool = False, **kwargs)#
This method produces a boxplot from the given values and labels
- Parameters:
values (Any) – values to plot
labels (Any) – labels of the values to plot
title (str) – title of the plot
show (bool) – if True, show the plot.
kwargs – the keyword arguments are used for specifying arguments according to the plot read methods.
- privkit.utils.plot_utils.pie_plot(values: Any, labels: Any, title: str = '', show: bool = False, **kwargs)#
This method produces a pieplot from the given values and labels
- Parameters:
values (Any) – values to plot
labels (Any) – labels of the values to plot
title (str) – title of the plot
show (bool) – if True, show the plot.
kwargs – the keyword arguments are used for specifying arguments according to the plot read methods.
- privkit.utils.plot_utils.plot_errorbar(x: Any, y: Any, confidence_level: float = 0.95, title: str = '', x_label: str = '', y_label: str = '', show: bool = False, **kwargs)#
This method plots an error bar according to x values and y values.
- Parameters:
x (Any) – values to plot in the x axis
confidence_level (float) – level of confidence for the error bar
y (Any) – values to plot in the y axis
title (str) – title of the plot
x_label (str) – label of the x axis
y_label (str) – label of the y axis
show (bool) – if True, show the plot.
kwargs – the keyword arguments are used for specifying arguments according to the plot read methods.
- privkit.utils.plot_utils.plot_information(title: str = '', x_label: str = '', y_label: str = '', show: bool = False)#
This method adds title and axis labels to plots
- Parameters:
title (str) – title of the plot
x_label (str) – label of the x axis
y_label (str) – label of the y axis
show (bool) – if True, show the plot.
- privkit.utils.plot_utils.plot_xy_data(x: Any, y: Any, title: str = '', x_label: str = '', y_label: str = '', show: bool = False, **kwargs)#
This method plots x values and y values.
- Parameters:
x (Any) – values to plot in the x axis
y (Any) – values to plot in the y axis
title (str) – title of the plot
x_label (str) – label of the x axis
y_label (str) – label of the y axis
show (bool) – if True, show the plot.
kwargs – the keyword arguments are used for specifying arguments according to the plot read methods.
privkit.utils.training_utils module#
- class privkit.utils.training_utils.BuildKnowledge#
- get_mobility_profile(location_data: LocationData, chosen_profile: str)#
Computes the mobility profile using the chosen data
- Parameters:
location_data (privkit.LocationData) – location data
chosen_profile (str) – type of mobility profile to be computed, with the training or the testing data
- Returns:
mobility profile of type chosen_profile
- norm_location_histogram(data: [<class 'int'>])#
Computes the histogram for mobility profile
- Parameters:
data ([int]) – location stamps from train or test data to generate mobility profile
- Returns:
mobility profile
- class privkit.utils.training_utils.Velocities(user_velocity_max: int = 200, report_velocity_max: int = 200)#
- get_velocities_pd(data: pandas.DataFrame)#
Builds the velocities distributions
- Parameters:
data (pandas.DataFrame) – data used to calculate the velocities
- Returns:
user velocity pd and report velocity pd
- kernel_distribution(velocities: [<class 'float'>], type_of_data: str)#
Computes the Kernel Density Distribution of the user or report velocities
- Parameters:
velocities ([float]) – user or report velocities
type_of_data (str) – indicates if it is being considered the user or report velocities
- Returns:
velocity pd
- static process_user_data(user_data: pandas.DataFrame)#
Computes the time interval and distance between the user data
- Parameters:
user_data (pandas.DataFrame) – data from a certain user
- Returns:
the time gap and the distance between every two consecutive report