privkit.metrics package#

class privkit.metrics.AccuracyFD(probe_path: str, baseline_path: str, iou_threshold: float = 0.5)#

Bases: Metric

DATA_TYPE_ID = ['facial_data']#
METRIC_ID = 'accuracy_face_detection'#
METRIC_INFO = 'The face detection accuracy measures the ratio of correctly detected faces to the total number of faces of a face detection model.'#
METRIC_NAME = 'Face Detection Accuracy'#

Executes the Face Detection Accuracy metric


dictionary with the detection accuracy and the Intersection Over Union (IoU) of the detection

static get_iou(ground_truth: tensor, pred: tensor)#

Returns the IoU value of a bounding box prediction

  • ground_truth (tensor) – a tensor with the ground truth bounding box coordinates

  • pred (tensor) – a tensor with the predicted bounding box coordinates


IoU value


Plots the results of the metric. This is specific to the metric.

class privkit.metrics.AdversaryError#

Bases: Metric

DATA_TYPE_ID = ['location_data']#
METRIC_ID = 'adv_error'#
METRIC_INFO = 'The adversary error measures the error between the data obtained by an adversary after applying an attack and the original data. '#
METRIC_NAME = 'Adversary Error'#
execute(location_data: LocationData)#

Executes the adversary error metric.


location_data (privkit.LocationData) – data where adversary error will be computed


data with the computed metric


Plot adversary error metric

class privkit.metrics.CMC(probe_path: str, gallery_path: str, model_name: str = 'ArcFace', detector_backend: str = 'retinaface')#

Bases: Metric

DATA_TYPE_ID = ['facial_data']#
METRIC_ID = 'cmc_curve'#
METRIC_INFO = "CMC quantifies the likelihood of successful identification by indicating the proportion of queries where the correct match is found within the top N ranked results, providing insights into the system's overall recognition accuracy across different rank levels. It is assumed that both probe and gallery images associated with the same identity share identical names, and each identity is represented by only a single image in both the probe and gallery datasets. "#
METRIC_NAME = 'Cumulative Matching Characteristics Curve'#

Executes the CMC metric


dictionary with the computed metric


Plots the results of the metric. This is specific to the metric.

class privkit.metrics.F1ScoreMM#

Bases: Metric

DATA_TYPE_ID = ['location_data']#
METRIC_ID = 'f1_score_mm'#
METRIC_INFO = 'F1 Score can be defined as the harmonic mean between precision and recall calculated as follows: F1 = 2 * (precision * recall) / (precision + recall). In the context of Map-Matching (MM), precision is defined as precision = Length_correct / Length_matched and Recall is defined as recall = Length_correct / Length_truth. '#
METRIC_NAME = 'F1 Score MM'#
compute_f1_score(G: MultiDiGraph, gt_path: List, mm_path: List, length_truth: int, length_matched: int)#

Compute the F1 Score metric.

  • G (networkx.MultiDiGraph) – road network represented as a directed graph

  • gt_path (List) – ground-truth path

  • mm_path (List) – map-matched path

  • length_truth (int) – length of the ground-truth path

  • length_matched (int) – length of the map-matched path


f1 score value

execute(location_data: LocationData, G: MultiDiGraph | None = None)#

Executes the F1 Score metric.

  • location_data (privkit.LocationData) – data where F1 Score will be computed

  • G (networkx.MultiDiGraph) – road network represented as a directed graph


data with the computed metric

static get_length_path(G: MultiDiGraph, nearest_nodes: List[int])#

Compute the length of the path

  • G (networkx.MultiDiGraph) – road network represented as a directed graph

  • nearest_nodes (List[int]) – list with the identifiers of the nearest nodes


path and length of the path

static matches(list1: List, list2: List)#

Computes where two lists match

  • list1 (List) – list to match

  • list2 (List) – list to match


Plot F1 Score metric

class privkit.metrics.FID(probe_path: str, baseline_path: str)#

Bases: Metric

DATA_TYPE_ID = ['facial_data']#
METRIC_ID = 'frechet_inception_distance'#
METRIC_INFO = 'The FID measures the quality of generated images quantitatively with the similarity between the distribution of features extracted from real and generated images. This implementation is based on [].'#
METRIC_NAME = 'Frechét Inception Distance'#
static calculate_fid(images1: DataFrame, images2: DataFrame)#

Returns the FID value between two image collections with the InceptionV3 model

  • images1 (pd.DataFrame) – the first image collection

  • images2 (pd.DataFrame) – the second image collection


the FID value


Executes the FID metric


dictionary with the computed metric


Plots the results of the metric. This is specific to the metric.

static scale_images(images: list, new_shape: tuple)#

Returns a list of resized images

  • images (list) – the images to be resized

  • new_shape (tuple) – the shape of the new resized images


a list with resized images

class privkit.metrics.MatchingScores(probe_path: str, gallery_path: str, model_name: str = 'ArcFace', detector_backend: str = 'retinaface')#

Bases: Metric

DATA_TYPE_ID = ['facial_data']#
METRIC_ID = 'matching_scores'#
METRIC_INFO = 'Matching scores are the numerical values assigned to pairs of facial images to quantify the similarity between them.'#
METRIC_NAME = 'Matching Scores'#

Executes the ROC curve and AUC value.

  • facial_data (privkit.FacialData) – data where ROC curve and AUC will be computed

  • df_pairs (pd.DataFrame) – data frame with the identities (#####)


data with the computed metric


Plots the results of the metric. This is specific to the metric.

class privkit.metrics.Metric#

Bases: ABC

Metric is an abstract class for a generic metric. Defines a series of methods common to all metrics. Provides a general method to execute, to plot and to print statistics of the metric. Requires the definition of a METRIC_ID, METRIC_NAME, METRIC_INFO, METRIC_REF, and DATA_TYPE_ID (of the data types this metric can be applied to).

property DATA_TYPE_ID: List[str]#

Identifiers of the data types that the metric is applied to

property METRIC_ID: str#

Identifier of the metric

property METRIC_INFO: str#

Information about the metric and how it works

property METRIC_NAME: str#

Name of the metric

abstract execute(*args)#

Executes the metric. This is specific to the metric.

abstract plot(*args)#

Plots the results of the metric. This is specific to the metric.

class privkit.metrics.QualityLoss#

Bases: Metric

DATA_TYPE_ID = ['location_data']#
METRIC_ID = 'quality_loss'#
METRIC_INFO = 'Quality loss measures the loss of data quality, resulting from the application of a privacy-preserving mechanism.'#
METRIC_NAME = 'Quality Loss'#
execute(location_data: LocationData)#

Executes the quality loss metric.


location_data (privkit.LocationData) – data where quality loss will be computed


data with the computed metric

static get_quality_loss_point(latitude: float, longitude: float, obf_latitude: float, obf_longitude: float)#

Executes the quality loss metric at a given the ground-truth and the obfuscated report. :param latitude: original latitude :param longitude: original longitude :param obf_latitude: obfuscated latitude :param obf_longitude: obfuscated longitudes :returns: quality loss between original and obfuscated data


Plot quality loss metric

class privkit.metrics.ROC_find(df_pairs: DataFrame)#

Bases: Metric

DATA_TYPE_ID = ['facial_data']#
METRIC_ID = 'roc_find'#
METRIC_INFO = "ROC curve visually represents the trade-off between a face recognition (for verification) binary classification model's ability to correctly identify positive instances (true matches) and its tendency to make false positive errors. Faster than the ROC_verify implementation for a large number of identities. "#
METRIC_NAME = 'Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve'#

Executes the Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve and calculates the Area Under the Curve (AUC) value


A dictionary containing the True Positive Rate (TPR), False Positive Rate (FPR), and corresponding thresholds values for the ROC curve along with the AUC value


Plots the results of the metric. This is specific to the metric.

class privkit.metrics.ROC_verify(df_pairs: DataFrame, model_name: str = 'ArcFace', detector_backend: str = 'retinaface')#

Bases: Metric

DATA_TYPE_ID = ['facial_data']#
METRIC_ID = 'roc_verify'#
METRIC_INFO = "ROC curve visually represents the trade-off between a face recognition (for verification) binary classification model's ability to correctly identify positive instances (true matches) and its tendency to make false positive errors."#
METRIC_NAME = 'Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) Curve'#

Executes the Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve and calculates the Area Under the Curve (AUC) value


A dictionary containing the True Positive Rate (TPR), False Positive Rate (FPR), and corresponding thresholds values for the ROC curve along with the AUC value


Plots the results of the metric. This is specific to the metric.

class privkit.metrics.SSIM(probe_path: str, baseline_path: str)#

Bases: Metric

DATA_TYPE_ID = ['facial_data']#
METRIC_ID = 'ssim'#
METRIC_INFO = 'SSIM quantifies the similarity between two images by assessing their structural information and pixel-wise content. '#
METRIC_NAME = 'Structure Similarity Index (SSIM)'#

Executes the SSIM metric.


dictionary with the SSIM values


Plots the results of the metric. This is specific to the metric.